Thursday, February 16, 2012

An Overwhelming Victory in our fight for TRUTH

Besides the announcement we made in our last posting that EVERY mention and listing our detractors had at have been removed due to TOS violations there's more...

As we mentioned recently, due to the overwhelming evidence piling up pointing at the fact our detractor(s) is (are) hell bent on continuing to harass us, libel us and previously threaten and extort us via email, we've turned all the evidence including the most recent series of attempts at defamation and libel over to our new legal investigation team, and have been officially notified that this is moving in a direction that will soon lead to extremely stop gap positive news in our fight for truth.

In my opinion this of course a sad direction we have been trying to avoid. I imagine this is likely dependent upon whether the harassment continues. Or so I've been advised. A wise person would take heed. I know I would.

" 9He who quarries stones may be hurt by them, and he who splits logs may be endangered by them."

In addition from what I know it appears child social services could be getting involved due to the questionable atmosphere our detractor has been creating for his family in so far as the continued harassment against us which apparently is being deemed reckless.

In my opinion this of course is probably dependent on what is made obvious on the net in the way of a continued harassment and libelous attacks which would likely cause CSS observers to view the situation to be out of control and questionable.

In our opinion most even keeled 'busy' people aren't spending every day attempting to slander/libel and harass especially considering how many have begun to turn against them and advise them to go back to work instead of endangering innocents around them.

Clearly they have no clue what they're stirring up by choosing to attack us in an unrelenting manner rather than protect the dignity and well being of family and dwindling customers which has cost the evident effect on their business thus far.

A sad conclusion this is leading towards indeed. And its truly unfortunate that this is the direction our detractor(s) is leading this. Unfortunately this could have ended long ago had they realized this was a pointless exercise in futility and simply gone about their business without trying to hold on to our organization as public relation scapegoats. Having terminated them clearly they are disgruntled.

The following is an announcement which our legal team advised we post:


Be advised. We hereby request that you (plural) CEASE AND DESIST any and all forms of contact with us in any form what so ever, not limited to psuedonyms (i.e. Fernando). This includes libel and/or defamation of our brand Operation Orca and the name Fred Stine and/or to promote your items in a way that would suggest any affiliation with Operation Orca whether that be via deceptive or indirect promotion. This also includes the use of video and graphic design created by us for the website you (plural) currently utilize.

(*I liked this last part as you would think they could surely design their own promotional ads rather then rely on what we created for them considering the fact they are no longer affiliated with us.)

We've made several attempts to offer peaceable solutions which have been ignored and have been left with no other choice than to follow through with legal remedies. It takes maturity and a man to choose peace when the offer is made. Only a coward chooses to fight for vanity. Thankfully we've chosen to seek our own solace and have much better things to do than follow the incoherent ramblings of an embittered former shop worker.

Moreso, while we would like to continue to comment on this issue it will hence forth be scaled back to a minimum at the advice our legal team while the legal proceedings being applied take their due course.

Barring that...maybe we will see an end to this mayhem and our need to defend the truth and justice each time our detractors try and libel and harass us with further misdirected and false statements.

Maybe they'll find the light we have and finally move on...It's apparent that a stalemate can be the only solution if they choose the right path.

Meanwhile, at this time we want to thank our many supporters (especially John Roles and Warren Schwarz) for their kind emails and comments. As always....keep that chum line goin...


Be sure and catch us on Facebook and on our main blog at:

----- The foregoing commentary and blog posts have been solely the opinion of the poster -----

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