Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Opening the floodgates of TRUTH

Well folks, after taking something of a break to see if our mindless and under medicated detractor would find the sensible and solution offered and run with it, I have to unfortunately report that logic and intelligence is not in this persons corner.

Not only has this person once again chosen to keep this mayhem going without a care in the world for the many customers and innocent JAWS fans that have had to endure this BS, the embarrassment alone must be causing our detractor a great deal of frustration. Evidenced by the recent mish mosh of illogical statements, claims and lies being furthered on his blog.

Frustrated and ignorant individuals cannot be saved by rants. It might get attention but in the long run intelligent people know better.

Lets break this into concise components so its easier to understand their line of attack.

While our detractor can find no way to prove there is actually an attack on them (or ever has been) they can spend hours and days seeking out old disused 'free' Operation Orca websites we once experimented with and abandoned, or sites that were once designed for use when our detractor was under our marketing and sales guidance and tutelage, with the hopes of hacking or attacking them so that they are no longer a threat to their little war on the competition.

Only a truly ignorant fool would try and use what was clearly an example of our earliest cooperation years ago in a screen grab to illustrate what we are supposedly currently using.

Yet this is calculated foolishness designed to fool those that might be easily conned...

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

...not only do the false screen grabs and crudely doctored emails designed to fool the unknowing continue to litter this persons blog like the bottom a wet trash can, but the mix of lies and illogical claims are sounding more desperate and confounded by the day...I can imagine what their keyboard looks like.

If you aren't already rolling on the floor laughing at their stupefying desperation on display, the really astoundingly hilarious part is...why on gods earth would we be promoting our cowardly deceitful detractor on our supposedly current website? Does this make sense? Of course not. Sense does not register with our detractor. Their game right now is to toss enough confetti in the air and hope it falls where they want it to while creating even more confusion.

But as I mentioned previously, our detractor aka 'Gone postal' former shop worker, is reaching for anything to climb out of the mud having been humiliated and embarrassed by the TRUTH we've revealed on this blog.

And this is only the beginning...


A peaceable solution shunned:

Against our better judgement and at the suggestion of some of our members we offered our lying and deceitful detractor a chance at redemption the other day and rather than take the high road and let their ego return to normalcy...they shunned this generous and ideal option in favor of continuing this debacle...even if it means the continued downward failure and implosion of their faltering and questionable business.

Sometimes, a person would rather save face than find a solution EVEN if it means accepting one's mistake and moving on...clearly this person is more interested in fooling the masses to save ego and face rather than face what is ultimately the fact they cannot prove the TRUTH is false. As a self described 'preacher' of germanic decent is it any wonder? Its scary to think how the masses can be swayed when the person ranting rants loud enough with diabolical intent.

Going back to last year Steve C (Captain Collector) had attempted to mediate this issue, and as a good faith offering WE made the first move and dropped ALL defensive statements related to our detractor. After waiting over 24 hours not only did our detractor make feeble excuse after excuse as to why they had no time to remove the offensive and slanderous statements we soon found that they had NO intention of ever removing anything.

Little did they realize we did not trust them, and we had simply hidden our side of the story rather than delete it as they had hoped.

A day or so later, EVERYTHING was soon back up on display as it was much to their surprise and disappointment. This cowardly reaction to our gentleman's offer only served to prove to us even more what kind of person we once had helped teach how to sell and market items in a way they could have never imagined. And in a way they were certainly NOT capable of.

Were they capable they would have never begged us to help from the out set...but I digress. CLEARLY they had their chance to prove they wanted peace and they lost any credit they had. So if there is ever a scenario where we drop our defenses again it will be ONLY after they do so first and ONLY after a 48 hour inspection period. Unless of course our legal team advises us otherwise.

Meanwhile, lets stay focused and even keeled shall we? That's what the truth is about. We aren't interested in playing a shell game like our detractor. We'd much rather let everyone know just how this debacle happened, and why our detractor (is this 'detractor' moniker annoying or what?) actually wants this sham to continue...

Before we get to that, I want to cover some highlights in case some of you missed them or are still wondering what the heck is going on with our forum.

Contrary to what our detractor would have some believe, EVERY single file and piece of data is in our control and will be re-installed on a NEW hack free server shortly. Will this upset and anger our detractor like when they found our tripod site was still up and running? Of course. Will it prove once again that the TRUTH prevails. Of course it will. The TRUTH never lies.

Only a liar hiding behind the word of god in contempt of gods' trust can feel angry and frustrated. And evidenced by their continual efforts to blasphemy god in front of true believers and knowers of the light of it any wonder?

If you were a customer would you want to buy anything from someone that was capable of spewing this kind of hatred and contempt..and blasphemy? Imagine if this were you arguing over a faulty or broken piece....just ask John Roles:

John will happily and TRUTHFULLY tell you what kind of person this is. That's because John once made the mistake of buying an item from them and unfortunately never did get exactly what he ordered. What's more, John was treated in a manner I would not wish on anyone.


The illusion delusion

So why are they trying to create the illusion that Operation Orca is the aggressor and the evil party when in fact they alone are creating this debacle for one reason and one reason only?....FALSE EMPATHY.

How could we be evil or horrible or destructive? Do we hold their puppet strings? Or are they wanting the audience to think that?

Here's how its playing...and how they're attempting to play even the most intelligent:

They're using what I like to call the 'injured bird, bait and switch ruse'. Basically it incorporates the idea there is someone attacking them so that they can have an enemy to dangle in front of misguided supporters who they desperately wish to con vince. In this way they can sell the idea that they are in need of help. Help from what? Follow along because this gets interesting....

After we cut them loose (yes fired them) because we had grown weary of their unprofessional rude behavior (remember John Roles?), we announced that we would be doing a line of collectibles that DID NOT include the need for their involvement. A line that would be based on ALL NEW original sculpts far more accurate than anything our FSW (former shop worker) was involved in.

Needless to say they then decided to 'Go to war' and try and destroy the competition. Even now our detractor cannot deal with the idea there is competition looming and that there are better sculptors out there. Remember I mentioned there was an ego problem?

The teaser that startled our detractor and the teaser our detractors hope no one knows about

So while our detractor cannot effectively attack, hack, or beg, cry, and scream to some unknowing webserver to dupe them into inadvertently and mistakenly removing the sites WE ARE using to spread the this blog, and our page on facebook:

Our detractor is instead spending every waking hour scouring the net for sites we no longer actively use

( like this one they apparently missed: )

hoping to hack yet another disused and abandoned website looking for some feeble trophy to dangle in front of supporters to prove righteousness out of desperation.

Or is it for revenge because they recently had every listing and single mention of anything to do with them and their wares removed from for TOS violations? That MUST be frustrating. Embarrassing to say the least.

And if that's not bad enough...a growing legion of side-liners and onlookers who were only a few months ago cheering them on with the empathy they seek, are now slowly realizing they've been duped, and are starting to steer clear of anything to do with this person.

Except of course for a few who overpaid for over hyped molded resin and now need to protect their investment. Can you blame them? These are the honest collectors I feel sorry for. Is it any wonder these are starting to show up on ebay and they can't manage to sell for any more than barely the price they paid?

And companies that they had hoped would be lining up to invest are now running and ignoring them in droves for fear of legal fallout or maybe being slandered on the internet when the deal falls through for lack of favorable terms and percentage points.

Speaking of deals and percentage points...ironically, while our detractor had arms in the air over what they considered an outrageous deal to share in the returns from items sold....NOW they turn to a third party online company to help them market and sell (yes market AND sell) because they lack the know how or the wherewithal.

Does this sound like deja vu? We had to laugh. They claim they never needed a third party to help with sales and marketing...yet now they beg someone else for help and happily pay them an even higher percentage. Huh? What? LOL.

Certainly sounds like hypocrisy folks. But then they probably don't even know what that word means. Did I mention how pathetic this excremental excuse for a person is?

The truly sad part is this could end now if our detractor would simply get over the fact we want nothing to do with them, move on, and stop relying on us to be their 'enemy'.

Instead of trying to use us to bolster their plea for empathy they should be making little toys and filling orders they claim to have. How pathetic that they must instead rely on lies and rumor to carry their business.

The TRUTH never lies...only lies do.

Stay tuned for more TRUTH...MUCH MUCH more....

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