Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pulling the wool over blind eyes

Well folks, Summer has started off nicely with the faint tinty sound of AM radios on the beach and the cool frothy of a surf edging into this anniversary year of the shark. Its always nice to be able to celebrate (again) what is clearly the cornerstone film we will certainly watch this independence day over the crackle of BBQ and friendly banter between old friends.

That said, I hope everyone out there enjoys their holiday as much as I know I will what with the arrival of the new Blu-ray to shed some new clarity on an old theme.

Meanwhile, although all is good and fine on the horizon in JAWS world, we at Operation Orca can't help but wonder why the same crazed and desperate person for lack of a better more respectable name, 'Muck Shatz' aka the 'self proclaimed' king of shark mucking still has nothing better to do than to (once again) spew dirty envy filled lies and meritless unsupported false accusations about our rusty crusty good old boat.

Yes I'm talking about someone we fired (er let go?) because well we were simply tired of the tirades and lack of attention to detail and sense of team work we initially created. And to end the misconception they keep trying to sell that they somehow fired us rather than Operation Orca firing them it only takes a half intelligent person to realize that they were the ones begging us for help way back in 2010. Not the other way around.

Proof we paved the road:

Original PRESS we set up with OO clearly credited

To underline this fact, one need also only look at the website we designed for them in which they still use the graphic designs we created. Its clear 'Meek Shatz' is the disgruntled party. This by virtue of the fact Shatz continues to keep this tirade alive by making yet another ignorant blog post less than a week ago helps makes this undeniably clear.

Disgruntled former shop worker who can't accept the fact they are no longer needed and rather than move on, they prefer to continue planting misplaced slander. Sound familiar?

You'd think someone of this supposed shark making caliber would be worried about making sharks to fill orders rather than writing tainted lies and slanderous rants about his former marketing entity. Would you want to buy something from someone this skewed? Could you honestly trust someone like this? Fewer collectors are. At least the collectors we know.

NOW...if you want truly great JAWS related, and realistic shark collectibles sold by a truly hard working honest individual we respect while you wait for what Operation Orca has in store, be sure and visit Bill Wieger:

Bill is another person Schmuck Shatz feels threatened by. Quality and integrity frightens some. Others swear by it.

Even now 'Shmuck' apologizes on open blog for not being able to fill orders. (Yes read their blog now before they delete it like they have everything else they get called on and humiliated about after we expose the TRUTH)

Speaking of TRUTH....take for instance the fact they now (on their blog) admit they have no verifiable proof Fred Stine or Operation Orca has been anything but a 100% honest organization dedicated to keeping the legend of the ORCA alive for fin fans worldwide since 1998. Where are the customers and people that have been wronged or cheated or scammed? Nowhere. That's because they don't exist except in our detractors mind and rant.


They claim we somehow were attempting to sell products 'of theirs' independently when the hilarious reality is they were asking (actually begging) us to sell and market for them since 2010. Odd quandary eh? Yet another twist of the truth by our detractor and former shop worker, and a feeble attempt to pull the wool over everyones eyes.

Just to prove the point they have no clue how to market or sell effectively they now ironically have turned to two third party distributors  for help. Bi-polar reasoning?

In reality, sooner or later the brakes to their accusations leveled against us would have to be pulled before everyone started asking why Operation Orca and its website they claim they shut down is still an active presence on the net. OUR ORIGINAL OPERATION ORCA SITE THEY CLAIM THEY SHUT DOWN

And the forum they claim they destroyed which in fact we simply merged into a broader subject based platform:

Operation Orca forum merger

(Incidentally our original forum and its files are still 100% intact as well.)

Not to mention the fact we're still 100% active on Facebook even after self proclaimed knight of JAWS collecting Sir Eddie McCornmack with torch flung high in front of villagers sought to rally thousands of Facebook members against us. Yet another failed attempt to maintain a monopoly on fan appreciation of a legendary film made for everyone to enjoy equally. In reality we need to thank Eddie for bringing us more attention. Our Facebook graph peaking well as a result. Thanks Ed.

And a true thank you to the many multitude that saw past the slander and lies. Thank you to David Gibson, Cecilia Dangcil, Tabby Berry, John Roles and our multitude of friends on FB like Warren Schwarz also known as BIG WAR to his legion of online fans. BIG WAR happens to be a REAL hard working, honest American family man.

                                 Big WAR with two beautiful daughters

Meanwhile, is it any wonder our disgruntled detractor has practically fallen off the map desperate for more sales? Is it any wonder they had to beg and scrounge for a third party distributor to try and find a market and pay them a percentage they claimed they couldn't afford in the process? Firing them (aka resolutely removing them from our affiliation) was the best decision we could have ever made.

The good news is we now know we at Operation Orca couldn't have made a wiser decision in cutting the fat. Not only do we have a more streamlined honest clear cut operation, we have no wacked out "living off the grid" anti-establishmentarian to contend with. A supposed Christian we initially tried to help and who later turned out to be a rabid wolf in sheep duds.

Lets review for those of you just tuning in and whom might not have reviewed earlier exciting parts 1,2, & 3 in this blog.

  • Why the rants by our detractor (aka Muck Shatz) aimed at trying to ruin our reputation? 
Frustration at the fact they realized we could create new and better things without them. Watch for our cool new line up to start rolling out...and you'll understand why.
  • Why this newest blog post? Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore them?
It would be easier to ignore them. However we prefer to make it clear who's telling the truth rather than let rumors and lies run rampant and out of control. Because we refuse to let their lies gain any credibility. And the best way to do that is to make the truth known via this blog each and every time they post up a new lie on their 'blog of lies'. Right now they're sinking their own dinghy with every new lie they try and float to you the intelligible public. 
  • Is there a solution?
Sure. They can go back to work and stop trying to use Operation Orca as their scapegoat. They fear us for the quality and integrity we bring. If they can concentrate on earning their own and gaining the trust from customers without relying on bad talking others they'd be the better for it. Sometimes however you can't lead a mule to water. 
  • How can they lie and have anyone actually believe them? Aren't they supposed to be an honest hard working American family?
This is the fundamental question we keep asking as well. It's the one question we never expected to have to answer when we first decided to help market a line of sharks for a person who was desperate to sell even one bust. 

Honest hard working people work hard and don't spend time ranting and slandering former business partners and employers. They move on and they work hard at doing what they do best and filling orders. Not making excuses as to why the orders aren't filled while spending time complaining and scheming new slander attacks like a disgruntled postal worker.

Our belief is that 'Meek Shatz' doesn't have the work ethic to move on like a truly hard working honest individual would. Muck is too meek to man up or be mature enough to accept the fact OO no longer wishes to have any affiliation or help market their putty wares. No it appears Muck is too ego centric and unable to focus on what's important. Be nice if they could prove us otherwise.

Meek would rather make excuses to lingering paid customers about delays, while at the same time spending 'work time' blog-ranting and dreaming up new things to blame others for instead of simply working. Working to pay back pre-order money with goods customers are banking on getting in the mail sooner than later. Customers the most of which Operation Orca brought to them via our membership database.

This my friends is why honesty and TRUTH are what floats a boat....lies only sink.

So what's next? Well we've filed complaints with investigators and as of this writing we're told action is pending. Child social services are also purportedly looking into just how a family can maintain a suitable environment while posting falsified and slanderous statements. Not the ideal example to be making for ones offspring I imagine.

What we're told is the extent to which they pursue this and continue to build a case depends upon how much longer 'Muck Shatz' decides to internet stalk and harass our good name and organization. (*BTW: We're legally obligated to use an alias i.e. Muck Shatz describe our detractor as this is currently an open case and we have been advised not to try not to name specific names wherever possible in order to maintain case integrity. Legal mumbo jumbo. LOL)

Hopefully this is the really the last post we'll need to make in this matter and our detractors will move on into the sunset of ethic displaying some form of intellect. If not...well we've still got plenty of barrels to toss out there if need be.

And to the rest of you ORCS that just want to get drunk and fool around. Have a great summer and keep that chum line goin...

And to our detractor.....Try growing up and going back to work instead of harassing and attempting to defraud good paying customers with pre-order investments expecting something tangible and shipped in a timely manner in return for their hard earned money. You'll save lots of time and frustration and you might just win back customers and credibility.

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