Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How rumors can fool even the most intelligent pt.3 (Final chapter?)

Well after making sure everyone had a chance to read and see how ludicrous and insane the coordinated attack and hack on our page at FB was today we finally deleted what amounted to further attempts to play a shell game with anyone seeking the truth.

Notice that we don't need to react or rant with never ending repetitious and mindless blabber or anger? That's because honesty and truth make that an unneeded evil. Pure logic need not rely on anger.

While our envy laden detractors scheme on how to next make a statement anyone who is educated enough to tell the difference between truth and fiction have already probably begun to see how and why this person continues to harass us. And has continued to try and keep this sham afloat. Yes...they are the instigators.

And we've been accused of somehow 'attacking' them...yet where is this supposed attack? One need only look at the dates each sides respective blog and post were initiated to see that we are clearly and equitably defending our reputation against yet another round of unwarranted online attacks designed to sway the uninformed masses in their favor.

Another oddity is that we've also been accused of selling or attempting to sell their 'unauthorized' sharks after we parted ways as collaborators. Where is this proof other than doctored and photoshopped screen grabs? Who has bought a shark from us direct? Again where is the proof?

Did they bother to mention that the 'webstarts' website in question was actually their own website created in 2009, and that they manipulated a screen grab to make it appear to have a different purpose?

Could this be why Louis Morano is confused about what exactly he thinks he saw and understood? And why no one can prove we have done anything to anyone or even attempted to misappropriate one single thing? The proof is in the pudding and on the net. NOT in doctored or manipulated emails.

Proof that the webstarts site actually belonged to our detractor

Proof floats...rumors sink.

Certainly this person can write, and rant like they're "on crystal meth" and often that LOUD and ANNOYING approach to appear righteous and forthright can confuse even the most intelligent into believing everything. Is it then surprising this person once claimed to be a preacher? Or was it a garbage collector?

Only those that choose to believe everything they hear without truly studying the impetus and core of what is really going on, often fall prey to that kind of manipulation. Its easy to root for something on the sidelines and line up with torches when you think you know which side to root for and who to damn without really knowing the facts.

Lets simplify the equation:

1. We helped this 'unknown' person begin a business venture when they were begging for help on every forum on the net and could sell nothing more than an occasional item on ebay. FACT

The interview we set up for this person that led to a FREE pass to SDCC

(Read the positive OO referencing there...yes positive. Surprising?

2. We poured years into helping them market and create the idea they had something worth selling including helping them design and structure several websites. One of which they are using now. FACT

3. We expected nothing but kind acknowledgement for that help once we had parted ways yet instead have been confronted with an ongoing malicious attack on our organization via blogs and webpages that are designed to stir up unfounded sentiment and create the idea that we are the instigator in this ongoing sham. This for no other reason than we announced we would be moving forward with plans to create our own line of collectibles they would not be a part of. Collectibles that they worry could be an improvement over what they are attempting to pawn. FACT

4. They continue to harass us and send extortion laden emails which have been forwarded to the authorities. FACT

5. We have multiple legal charges filed against them and will pursue this to the full extent of the law if need be. FACT

So where does this end? Why does it continue? Well it could have ended LONG ago had our detractor simply overlooked their hyper-inflated ego problem and simply gone back to making plastic toys instead of trying to use OO as a scapegoat  to win empathy and favor among the uninformed. YES...its that simple folks. the ball is in their court and it's always been.

To make things even more clear to those of you still wondering why this is still an active issue, please read the following and share it with our detractor. Help spread the word about this social and maniacal behavior. If you care enough to join OO and want to help this truth be known to the powers that be on Facebook and to the uninformed falling prey to the rumors, don't hesitate to contact us direct or copy and paste the content from this blog.

An open letter to our detractor/competitor:

As much as we appreciate the free publicity and attention this is bringing us we would much rather see you go about your business and get used to the idea we are no longer helping market you or your work. Move on, use what talent you have and let this serve as official notice that anything we post here is in direct response to your choosing to continue this shell game. We are no longer affiliated with you and we have no interest in being affiliated.

You might be concerned that the competition is looming, and you might be concerned that your items are not really as ideal as they've been advertised, or that our very existence might lead to further reviews that would expose any flaws in said work...but get used to it. This is how the real world business works. Everything is critiqued, and not always favorably. Consumers want to know how to make informed decisions before they purchase anything they think might not be worth the investment. Wouldn't you?

Problem solving:

We would find it an honorable gesture were you to finally apologize for the many months of slanderous diatribe but we know you probably aren't that kind of person with enough guts and maturity to do so. Or are you mature and professional enough?

We would also find it surprising were you to let the many customers we brought to the equation, and those customers that have just now become entangled in this mess to have a break from this mayhem and let them see what kind of customer service they would expect were they to need to dialog with you in some manner.

Certainly this is not the kind of example you want to project to them and to your family. John Roles was a customer and has since learned what that darker side can be like. Prove him otherwise, and let this go before you allow further negativity to ruin your work ethic as seen by the public at large.

Is this debate really worth the trouble you've caused everyone in trying to understand why you would turn against an entity that had once helped you?
If it is, then please carry on. For us it works either way. We have only just begun to defend our principles. If it is not, then you know what to do. Drop every page, every blog, and every word that mentions us permanently. We implore you. Moreso, we challenge you. A partial peace is still war.

Unless of course you like the attention this has gained and your ego is that which controls you. And/or as we've alluded to you actually prefer this feud to continue to feed the empathy machine. We offer this solution because we care about those that are being affected by the negativity. Surely you would not want god to see you squander your skills writing endless rants. Nor would the many tuning in I imagine.

Should you actually decide to honor the terms of this treatise, and not play another shell game like the last time we made this offer when Steve aka Captain collector attempted to mediate several months ago, then we would also remove in kind everything we've posted in the way of a defense.

Were this to be fully honored by you, then after a 48 hour inspection period monitored by intermediaries who found the removal to be confirmed and accurate then I could see this debacle officially concluded. Whether this scenario is ultimately a fictional hypothesis or not, lies completely in your corner.

Simply announce your plans to do so in the way of a statement devoid of sarcasm or wry subtext and we would observe to see if you were serious.


Well that's it folks...our offer on the table. No one can say we never tried to end this. Right here on an open public forum.

Happy new year and let this truly be the beginning of something positive for all parties involved. If not, onward christian soldiers...

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