Friday, February 3, 2012

How rumors can fool even the most intelligent pt.2

Like I said folks...this is going to be a long story. So without further adieu, part two:

Well as our detractor has gotten more desperate for sales of over priced items, and more desperate to save a reputation many have seen degraded due to their deceptive and maniacal behavior, even we were surprised to find him stooping to using a fictitious name and email account in order to pose as a kid.

A few weeks ago I was told that our detractor, fired disgruntled shop worker, (and now competitor) was using a fictitious account to try and fool even the most intelligent into believing the sham they've been selling, but I had to see it to believe it.

We of course saved screen grabs lest anyone not believe this sham ever existed before our detractor no doubt moves to remove it like they have almost every other claim they've been making...after we've PROVEN them to be lies.

This is a social predator, email extortionist, and deceptive desperate individual that's been using friends and family as empathy shields, so its no wonder even the most intelligent folks can be deceived by these shams.

If you're one of those that have been reading their rants you probably found them posting up purported emails supposedly generated to and from a kid named 'Fernando'. Well not only does this kid not exist, and hasn't been heard from since, the IP address proves it to be sourced from none other than our detractor. Surprised? We weren't.

Why has 'Fernando' suddenly disappeared? That's because Fernando never existed except as a convenient tool created by our detractor. Ask our detractor for proof. DEMAND the truth. Watch how they avoid it when you wait for an answer...they're good at that.

The truth never sinks

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