Thursday, July 19, 2012

Round and round do-se-do...stupid is what stupid does...

Howdy everyone -- SUMMER is here. YEP. And only a few weeks left till JAWSfest. That means getting ready for one BIG TRIP to the Island of Amity. Considering I've never been, this should be better than watchin' the Blu-ray. Better's about watchin' the Blu-ray premiere on the Island in my hillbilly hat with a vintage can of 'Gansett? JAWSOME I tell ye!

An interestin' thing happened this week. Which involves an epiphany of sorts. Realizing that its gettin' mighty tiring going around and round like a square dance debating ethics with someone that doesn't have the college education to admit their wrongs (or even send us a simple apology)....we reached a conclusion. How can they not be just as bored debating this as we are here at Operation Orca? 

If they aren't, I know you the unbiased reader are. You have to be. I mean we've made everything clear as truth on this boat O' Truth and yet this has now turned into a childish never ending merry-go-round of redundancy they simply don't want to get off of. 

Well we just jumped off, and our detractors can carry on....

Just the thought of their incriminating behavior [cyberstalking] and reading our every FB post, or studying the 'realism' of our friendship base is humorous (and creepy) beyond words. (Not to mention their utilizing generic photos of someone purported to be FRED...LOL, or the sham doctored emails our detractors keep posting and forwarding). In fact we encourage them to continue to do so. The attention and controversy they've been affording us is outstanding. We couldn't buy better advertising (or evidence). 

Like they say...there is no such thing as bad advertising. 

Meanwhile, real fans and supporters (and VIPS) whom we've been getting emails from are also telling us (again) to ignore our detractors, and we're going to take the high road and do just that and let their 'merry go round' 'advertising' work for us. Our legal council has been telling us this for weeks. Not only do our detractors' actions prove criminal intent to cyberharass, we're going to finally take our legal teams advice to heed, and let them do what work they might or might not need to do in building a case.

So to our detractors: THANKYOU. You just saved us a heck of a lot of writing. That means more fun in the sun. This really is going to be the best summer we ever had. 

Our advice:...move on, and jump off the carousel...or maybe a bridge. You might just be able to save your August...and what's left of your credibility among peers. 



To our detractor(s).(Yeah I know this word is sounding redundant. This is what our legal team advises we use). You are encouraged to continue any and all attempts at slander. PLEASE. (Just like the threatening and coercive comments you attempted to post on this blog which were rejected). We need more evidence like that for our pending case against you. And to those being persuaded to aid and abet our detractor....Please continue to do so. We need to be able to list your names for our case to show intent. could try finding something else more even more interesting and productive to do with your summer, while our legal team and federal authorities they've appointed prepare for the next set of potentially required (or not required) moves. 

We know we have.

Freddy / OO

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